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We are honored to have many accomplished authors broadcasting on Kingdom Purpose TV. To order, select the image of the author you desire, and you will be redirected to the purchase page for that book. Adding these books to your library will richly enhance your walk with Christ.
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Apostle Johnny L. Magee, Jr.
Did you know that nearly 3,850 to 7,700 congregations close their doors every year? That means that it is a startling 75-150 congregations closing each week. But why are so many churches closing shop? While there are many variables that must be factored into the demise of a church such as a lack of vision, a lack of growth, a lack of finances, the pastor leaving the church, or perhaps due to the untimely or unexpected death of the pastor, perhaps one of the major reasons for many of these ministries faltering and failing is that they were never genuinely called by God to be established.

The Ladies Of Cardio Conversations
Tamara Matthews, Carla Kelly Turner, and Katrina Garrett pour their hearts into this book to prayerfully inspire others to experience intimacy with God by allowing Him to enter
every room in their soul.
Each prayer is metaphorically comparative to areas of our life where we should invite God to be our guest of honor.
The Blueprint to Building a Healthier You book is for the person who wants to be honest with GOD about how they feel and what they
are going through. This book intends for the reader to reflect and
meditate on one prayer a week, reviewing the prayer several days during the week and spending time purposefully recording how God moves on their petitions.
While reading, you may discover that some of the prayers and affirmations may make you cry, whereas others may make you laugh. However, we are certain the prayers will aid you in building a blueprint for your life; while allowing God to minister Holistic Wellness as you pray. The goal of your weekly affirmation is to empower you to thrust forward with confidence in your purpose.
Lastly, we encourage each person to listen attentively to God’s directions after each prayer, and journal your time with Him in your
prayer and petition note section.
After reading this book, we know you will not be disappointed but Divinely inspired by God, who will reveal the Blueprint for Building A HEALTHIER YOU, one prayer at a time.

Gwen Tillery
This award winning author is sure to get to thinking about your purpose in this simple but powerful book on learning how to overcome the trials and tribulations in life. In her freshman project she was able to write a book that was easy to read, yet powerful enough to win as Best Author Writer from the Rhythm of Gospel awards.
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope”. NLT (Jeremiah 29:11). This does not mean that life will be easy, in fact living in your purpose can be exactly the opposite. Filled with pain and struggles and doing things that you don’t want to do, but there is purpose in your pain. Just as our DNA and our fingerprints are unique to each one of us, we are also unique beings when it comes to our journey, purpose, and destiny. God has a specific plan and purpose for each one of us. Our life, circumstances, physical features, and personality have all been put in place for us to fulfill our purpose. God is intentional and makes no mistakes. Romans 8:28 says “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them”. NLT Unfortunately, we often lose sight of this and become frustrated when life happens. The struggles, hardships, loses, and pain we experience begin to weigh us down. We lose hope and want to throw in the towel, but it is when we are at our weakest that God does his best work. It is often through the trials and tribulations that we begin to walk in our purpose. These situations build character and strength, but more importantly it builds our Faith. When we develop a relationship with our Father and seek his will in our lives we will find ourselves walking in our purpose.

Minister Shekita Jackson
This is a self-reflective journal. It supports the book:
Do You See Me Trying to Breathe? Faith-Based Journey From The Imprisonment Of Anxiety & Panic Attacks.
The aim is to assist you with gaining a deeper understanding of your anxiety. The hope is that this journal helps you expose and untangle your complex feelings and experiences. Each journal page has writing prompts that can prepare you to share your worries, emotions, and anxieties with a loved one or a professional. Document your truth. Don't let your journey go untold and refuse to suffer in silence. You can live a life free of the restraints of anxiety disorders.

Prohetess Kay Nash
Are you curious about how to prophesy? Or maybe you want to strengthen your prophetic gift? Or maybe you are confused about prophecy? No matter where you're at in your prophetic journey, this book will help you in your understanding and activation of prophecy. It will also help you to become more accurate and more loving in your prophetic words. Here are some things you can expect to learn: How to prophesy, why prophecy is for now, things to do and not to do when you prophesy, when and how to give a prophetic word, what Prophets do in the secret place, how to make a prophetic word manifest in the natural, how to deliver corporate words, and more!

Apostle Willie J. Inman, Sr. DD
I hope as you venture into the mind of a millennial and the complexity of why they are crying, but no one is listening to the scream that you are intrigued like never before. I believe this book will enlighten you about the many questions that people have about millennials. I am a father of four millennials with an age spanning from twenty-six to thirty-seven years old. Shera and I raised two boys and two girls and sent them all to college for further education. Here are some things we learned as we raised these complex children into adulthood, seeing and hearing the many situations that they and their peers have gone through.
Millennials in the workforce are different from any age group, and I will detail why. For a millennial, maturity is the ability to see and act on the behalf of others. Immaturity is not seeing things from someone else’s point of view. It’s natural for millennials to exude immaturity in the workplace because they lack the necessary context and experience. But unfortunately, it’s all too common for leaders of millennials to also be immature. Leaders of millennials aren’t immature in their experience, knowledge, or skills but rather in seeing the world from the perspective of millennials. The digital age has fundamentally rewired millennials. Millennials’ unprecedented digital upbringing has made it difficult for experienced leaders to see the world from their point of view. This results in leaders becoming frustrated and defaulting to correcting instead of connecting. Millennials aren’t trying to be difficult or frustrate you on purpose. They have had a very different upbringing. This is one that the world has never seen, which has created a new breed of worker, and thus, a new breed of leader is needed to effectively and influentially lead them. Finally, I pray by the grace of our Lord Jesus that this book will help you understand the mind of the millennial as we introduce to you The Cry of the Millennial.

Joan E. Murray
Do you have difficulty trusting some people? How about God? Can you really trust Him? Have you ever asked yourself why it is so hard to TRUST? There are many of us who struggle with trusting others. One of the reasons for this is that often, the people we trusted to watch over and care for us; failed us. Their abandonment left deep wounds and scars in our souls. As a result, some of us believe that just like these people, God cannot be trusted. You Can Trust Him is an in-depth journey into inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories that will help you find trust truths in the midst of pain, difficulties, or hardships. You will discover that God is with you, and you can trust Him in the storms.In the pages of this book, you will find answers to help you navigate through the painful seasons of life. Using these powerful stories, Joan reveals deep truths about God's love, compassion, and care for each of His children. Through these inspirational, personal, and Biblical stories, Joan takes you deep into the lives of many people who were unsure they could survive their painful struggles. They learned to trust God, and were victorious. You will be too. These stories will inspire and encourage you as you make the decision to trust God completely, because He can be TRUSTED. Joan is the Founder and CEO of Joan Murray Ministries and Seeds of Hope Worldwide Missions. She is an international Bible teacher, pastor, author, and missionary. She has traveled extensively around the world to minister and serve those in need.

Roberta Currier
A riveting account of one family's spiritual journey from the U.S. Mainland to Maui, Hi living by the supernatural power of God's hand in their lives. You won't want to miss reading the account of them experiencing one miracle after another as they leave California, seeking to establish themselves in Hawaii. Maui has been long known as a new age spiritual mecca, and yet, God moves in really new and mighty ways to make Himself known to the people on the island. The author states that "for the first ten months we had no transportation on an island where even kids have cars" and when she questioned God about why this was, His response was that "He wanted people to notice them." Through one event after another, God makes His power known through the strengths and weaknesses of this family. This book will challenge you, and build your faith and trust in an unseen God who is concerned about YOUR every move!

Pastor Anthony Luckett
This mini-book gives instructions and encouragement about serving God, Church, and others,.

Pastor Michelle Avant
I wrote this book because I was attacked by a demon witch on New Year of 2021. I declared the bible says I would tread upon serpents & scorpions & all forces of darkness and nothing shall harm me, or hurt me. The Lord put his words in my mouth to uproot, tear down, destroy, overthrow, build, plant overthrow the forces the works of darkness. What was to be the biggest setup in my life, became the basket that thrust and pivoted me into my new season, my Divine Destiny. What was a contract out on my life became the biggest set up of all times, this pushed me into my destiny.

Tamala Coleman
Life can throw many curve balls. Yet, when God has a plan and purpose for your life, you may have to endure some trials and some delays even opposition. I am a living witness that it all works together for your good in the end. The devil wanted to contaminate and interfere with my future. My God is both Alpha and Omega. In other words, whatever that is intended to be your omega, the outcome of your dream and life and destiny, God makes sure that it is embedded in your alpha, the days of your small beginnings.

Rev Dr. Inez R. Brown
“Don’t quit, “Persevere,” “Trust in God”, “Fear not,” or even “turn to God...” these phrases can be found in the story of the inspiring book, The Hidden Path: From Bondage to Freedom. This book emerged from the biblical story of Moses, the Children of Israel, and the Red Sea encounter. It chronicles the divine shortcut, a path set by God himself to demonstrate his infinite power and guidance towards the children of Israel, and one that leaves an example to help us through those tough times, as we face difficult situations that tug at our hearts, leaving us to face many challenges with not many answers. What should we do? Where should we turn? How should we handle it? Why me? At some time or another, we’ve all asked these questions. In reading the first Psalms the writer answers some of these. [ In verse 3 it says, “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.” Not a wild tree, but “a tree planted, chosen, considered as property, cultivated, and secured from the last terrible uprooting:” “for every plant, which my heavenly Father has not planted, shall be rooted up:” Matthew 15:13. “By the rivers of water;” so that even if one river should fail, he has another. The rivers of pardon and the rivers of grace, rivers of promise and the rivers of communion with Christ, are a never-failing source of supply. He is “like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season;” not unreasonable graces, like untimely figs, which are never full-flavored. But the man who delights in God’s word, being taught by it, bringeth forth patience in the time of suffering, faith in the day of trial, and holy joy in the hour of prosperity. Fruitfulness is an essential quality of a gracious man, and that fruitfulness should be seasonable. “His leaf also shall not wither;” and his faintest word shall be everlasting; His little deeds of love shall be had in remembrance. Not simply shall his fruit be preserved, but his leaf also. He shall neither lose his beauty nor his fruitfulness. “And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” Blessed is the man who has such a promise as this. But we must not always estimate the fulfillment of a promise by our own eyesight. How often my brethren if we judge by feeble sense, may we come to the mournful conclusion of Jacob, “All these things are against me!” for though we know our interest in the promise, yet are we so tired and troubled, that sight sees the very reverse of what that promise foretells. (Exerts fr. "The Treasure of David " Exposition of the Psalms by C.H. Spurgeon Vol. 1) ]This powerful story from Rev. Dr. Inez R. Brown takes us on the journey from Egypt to the Red Sea and God’s hidden path to the road of deliverance, faith, success, healing, gratitude, and a new life of trusting God. Rev Dr. Inez R. Brown shows us how we can trust God when all else fails. She shows us through this story how to have confidence in God, why we should not fear, what we should do to defeat the enemy, and then from God’s perspective how to be bold, courageous, and thankful as we overcome the obstacles we face daily. If you want to know how to find God in the darkest of times, this book is for you. Make no mistake, Rev. Dr. Inez R. Brown takes us into a deeper revelation of the significance of the path in the Red Sea, and what is noticeably clear, is that our greatest victory lies within trusting God in our most difficult situations.
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